Vinith Suriyakumar


I am a fourth year PhD student at MIT EECS where I am advised by Dr. Ashia Wilson and Dr. Marzyeh Ghassemi. My research focuses on the intersection of machine learning, statistical inference, and society. I am interested in building theoretically principled algorithms to address security, privacy, and safety concerns around the use of generative models. Currently, I’m thinking about issues surrounding copyright, unlearning, encrypted training/inference, and backdoors. Additionally, I study the role of race in medicine and how to use statistical tools to help address health inequities in maternal health.

Previously, I worked on differentially private machine learning, machine unlearning, and applications to organ procurement processes. I completed my Masters in May 2021 at the University of Toronto & Vector Institute advised by Dr. Marzyeh Ghassemi, Dr. Nicolas Papernot, Dr. Berk Ustun, and Dr. Anna Goldenberg. My thesis was focused on differential privacy and algorithmic fairness in machine learning for healthcare.


Jun 3, 2024 Our work on developing a philosophical framework to better reason about the impact of algorithmic decision-making on equal opportunity, Algorithmic Pluralism: A Structural Approach Towards Equal Opportunity, was awarded Best Paper at FAccT 2024!
Jan 15, 2024 Our work on formalizing and analyzing how to fairly use group attributes in prediction models, One-Shot Empirical Privacy Estimation for Federated Learning, was awarded an Oral presentation at ICLR 2024!
Apr 29, 2023 Our work on formalizing and analyzing how to fairly use group attributes in prediction models, When Personalization Harms: Reconsidering the Use of Group Attributes in Prediction, was awarded an Oral presentation at ICML 2023!
May 14, 2022 I’m excited to announce that our work from my Summer 2021 internship at Google on Public Data-Assisted Mirror Descent for Private Model Training was accepted to ICML 2022!
Mar 30, 2022 I’m excited to announce that I’ve accepted an offer to return to Google this summer as a Student Researcher working with Dr. Peter Kairouz and Dr. Galen Andrew!